
O que significa guacamole em português?


  1. O que significa guacamole em português?
  2. O que significa guacá?
  3. O que se pode comer com guacamole?
  4. Is guacamole bad for You?
  5. What does guacamole do for your body?
  6. How bad is guacamole for You?
  7. What does guacamole do to your face?

O que significa guacamole em português?

[ Culinária ] Pasta de abacate a que se juntam outros ingredientes e temperos como tomate, cebola, alho, limão, coentros, sal e pimenta.

O que significa guacá?

A primeira definição de guaca no dicionário da verdadeira academia da língua espanhola é o túmulo dos antigos índios, principalmente da Bolívia e do Peru, onde objetos valiosos são frequentemente encontrados.

O que se pode comer com guacamole?

Tradicionalmente, na gastronomia mexicana a guacamole é servida junto com maravilhosas tortillas ou um nachos, receitas que vocês podem conferir no TudoGostoso!

Is guacamole bad for You?

  • It may look decadent and get a bad rap, but the truth is - guacamole is one of the healthiest options out there, especially when compared to all of the other available dips. The only real worry (other than if you are allergic to some of the ingredients) would be eating too much and packing on some unwanted pounds .

What does guacamole do for your body?

  • Guacamole provides you with a type of fatty acid called oleic acid, which plays a big role in lowering LDL cholesterol. An increase in the levels of LDL cholesterol contributes to arterial blockages and leads to heart attack and stroke.

How bad is guacamole for You?

  • It may look decadent and get a bad rap, but the truth is – guacamole is one of the healthiest options out there, especially when compared to all of the other available dips. The only real worry (other than if you are allergic to some of the ingredients) would be eating too much and packing on some unwanted pounds.

What does guacamole do to your face?

  • Now you can make your own guacamole with savory ingredients that doubles as a face mask. Simply set about 2 tablespoons of the final mixture aside for your face (that is, if you can stop yourself from eating it all). The creamy goodness of avocados moisturizes and soothes your skin, while it also reduces lines and wrinkles.