
O que quer dizer Dead em inglês?


  1. O que quer dizer Dead em inglês?
  2. O que quer dizer Isded?
  3. Quando usar died?
  4. Which is an example of a dead end?
  5. What does it mean when a ball is dead?
  6. Is there such a thing as dead ground?

O que quer dizer Dead em inglês?

morto (morto m sing, morta f sing, mortos m pl, mortas f pl)

O que quer dizer Isded?

"Is dead" significa "está morto". "is" entra como "está"; "dead" é um adjetivo para descrever alguém que está morto.

Quando usar died?

Died é o passado e o particípio passado do verbo to die (morrer). Death é substantivo e significa “morte”. Para dizer “os mortos” em inglês, diga the dead.

Which is an example of a dead end?

  • The pursuit of a unary natural-duty theory of political obligation, the objection concludes, is a dead end . This migration causes pathological changes, but being without any obvious transmission benefits, is a dead end for the larvae. Every route is literally a dead end in this sense.

What does it mean when a ball is dead?

  • Aprenda as palavras que você precisa para se comunicar com confiança. If glasses and bottles that were previously full are dead, they are now empty. In some sports, if a ball is dead, it is outside the area of play. The city centre is quite lively during the day, but it's totally dead at night. The phone suddenly went dead.

Is there such a thing as dead ground?

  • A hill with a hollow provides dead ground, and this could be a lurking place for natural or supernatural enemies. Even (seemingly) unimportant enacted laws change the status quo policy and have greater utility than dead important bills. This can take measurements using fluorescence to establish the three microbe states: viable, dead or dormant.