
O que é benzophenone 3 faz mal?


  1. O que é benzophenone 3 faz mal?
  2. O que pode ser usado no lugar do protetor solar?
  3. What does benzophenone-3 do for the body?
  4. Are there any side effects to benzophenone 3?
  5. What kind of compound is benzophenone-3 oxybenzone?
  6. What is the chemical name of benzophenone-3-europa?

O que é benzophenone 3 faz mal?

A benzofenona-3 (benzophenone-3 ou oxibenzona) é um filtro químico, com potencial alergênico considerável. E há estudos verificando se pode causar outros danos à saúde. Encontramos benzofenona-3 em cinco protetores para adultos: Avon, Banana Boat, Cenoura&Bronze, Red Apple e Sundown.

O que pode ser usado no lugar do protetor solar?

  • Óleo de sementes de framboesa vermelha. Este óleo é um dos melhores protetores solares que existe. ...
  • Óleo de semente de cenoura. ...
  • Óleo de Germen de Trigo. ...
  • Óleo de gergelim. ...
  • Óleo de coco. ...
  • Aloe Vera. ...
  • Outros Óleos de semente ou nozes. ...
  • Protetores solares naturais.

What does benzophenone-3 do for the body?

  • Inadequate when used alone, benzophenone-3 absorbs UVB and short UVA rays but is a relatively weak chemical UV absorber. By absorbing UV rays, it also helps preserve the integrity of other cosmetic ingredients, preventing their deterioration under the sun.

Are there any side effects to benzophenone 3?

  • Safety Measures/Side Effects of Benzophenone-3: There are several suspected dangers associated with benzophenone-3 or oxybenzone. As with its close chemical relative benzophenone-4 (Sulisobenzone), this sunscreen agent has been shown to penetrate the skin and cause photo-sensitivity.

What kind of compound is benzophenone-3 oxybenzone?

  • Oxybenzone or benzophenone-3 ( trade names Milestab 9, Eusolex 4360, Escalol 567, KAHSCREEN BZ-3) is an organic compound. It is a pale-yellow solid that is readily soluble in most organic solvents. Oxybenzone belongs to the class of aromatic ketones known as benzophenones.

What is the chemical name of benzophenone-3-europa?

  • In cosmetic products, the ingredient BP-3 (CAS No 131-57-7, EC No 205-031-5) with the chemical names Oxybenzone, 2-Hydroxy-4-methoxybenzone, (2-Hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl) phenyl methanone and 2-Benzoyl-5-methoxyphenol is currently regulated as a UV-filter in sunscreen products in a concentration, in ready for use preparation, up to 6 % (Annex VI/4).